Our plantations are located in the heart of Paradise:the fertile Nalón basin, una de las más productivas de Asturias, donde el suelo, la temperatura, el viento, la humedad relativa, la pluviometría y la insolación son idóneas para la producción de un kiwi suculento, de calibre y sabor característicos. Esas condiciones climatológicas y orográficas resultan perfectas para la calidad de nuestros kiwis.
Optimal natural environment

Minimal environment impact of crops
To protect this wonderful environment that surrounds us, we carry out a circular and integrated agricultural production, with low impact and environmental sustainability, without pesticides and without residues. We implement an ecologically respectful plantation management system, with advances technology to achieve maximum efficiency with minimum water and energy resources.

Social responsibility with the economy and the rural population
Kiwiastur has become a driving force and tractor project, fully integrated into the economy of the Bajo Nalón Valley.It contributes to enriching and diversifying the Asturian productive framework, historically focused on meat and milk. It does so by balancing production and the care of the geographical space in which it is located, generating economic activity and allowing the settlement of population in the rural areas of our region, specifically in the surroundings of Peñaullán (Pravia)..

To distribute Kiwiastur in your establishment, contact us: